Agamon Health

Rectangle Redefining patient workflow management

Year of Investment



Investment Status



Investment Lead

Bruce Macfarlane


Transforming clinical data into knowledge

The Agamon platform streamlines the extraction of crucial data from radiology reports and follow-up recommendations through its proprietary deep learning NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology.

By providing customers with the information they need, Agamon enables them to automate workflow, personalise communications and track follow-up adherence. Agamon enables customers to easily manage programs, such as Lung Cancer Screenings and Incidental Findings, effortlessly, at scale.

Agamon is collaborating with Mayo Clinic to improve cardiology care by using AI to increase patient adherence to follow-ups. Delayed or insufficient follow-up care for patients with valvular heart disease can have severe consequences, such as increased hospitalization, worsening heart failure, and death. Agamon Coordinate seeks to “close the loop” on follow-up recommendations and improve patient health outcomes.