Why every start-up should be thinking about data ethics




3:00 pm

There’s so much to think about when you start building your business. Ethics, values, principles: these are the sorts of things that can often get pushed to the bottom of the to-do list.

Charles Bradley, will explore why embedding an ethical approach to data is not only good from a principal perspective, but an essential tool for de-risking your business and building trust with your consumers and investors. The session will also provide some practical steps that you can take in the early stages that will reap rewards down the line.

About the host

Charles Bradley is the Founder and Director of Adapt — a privacy, security and ethics consultancy that helps companies rethink their relationship with data. Over the past decade, Charles has helped start-ups from all over the world understand how to design and scale products and services in a way that builds trust with their users and delivers value for the company and wider society.